Hey y’all, whats up?! 👋🏾
My name is Gianna Dorsey aka GiannaSnapped. I am a born & bred Chicagoan, now based in Los Angeles, CA.
Fun fact: photography has not always been my passion. I actually didn’t discover this talent until my second year of business school back in 2011 when all I knew was that I wanted to own a business. Little did I know that the small point and shoot Kodak camera my dad got my siblings & I the Christmas prior, would be the gateway into this incredible world. I practiced on my college roommate with a mock photo shoot, and within minutes I knew this was something I wanted to explore. Fast forward 10 years, I haven’t put a camera down.
Photography has always been a way for me to live out this purpose: to make people feel good. I get to wake up every day and capture images that make people question who they’re looking at on my camera (in the most beautiful way.) The answer has always been “you.” I get to show people how others view them on a daily basis and it really has been life changing.
What started out as a hobby with friends and family, has now taken me places and put me in rooms I only ever dreamt about. From living and working in Paris as a fashion photographer in 2016, to landing my first all-black-everything magazine cover, to working with major brands like Apple, Revolt, and BET, to now having an A-List archive of clients… I am nowhere near being done. My future plans are to continue building my portfolio with meaningful projects that show the beauty of Black people, continue teaching photography with photo retreats and one-on-one/group classes, and to never stop creating lifelong relationships with everyone who steps in front of my lens.
Thank you for taking a peak into my heart ❤️
- Gianna
For bookings, click here.